Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boots and her Tink party.

Yesterday, Pats and I spent the day together after ages.

Boots 5th birthday is coming up. I personally don't understand her mad hurry to grow up, but kids these days no - they just don't get it. She insists she's a 'growed' up girl now. My precious!

Boots was torn between wanting a Hannah Montana birthday and a Tinkerbell party. The craze that is Miley Cyrus has pulled a nerve with Pats & me. Over the December hols, we all spent2 days at a hotel. The girls made a huge game out of running between hotel rooms and insisted on passwords to get in. The passwords? 'Miley Cyrus' and 'Hannah Montana'. Which were yelled out repeatedly till the door was opened. *sighs*

Thankfully though, Boots zoned in on wanting a Tink party and Pats and I were elated. Not that we have anything against the Cyrus family or Montana franchise...but our girls are still girls - for this year at least! We spent most of yesterday hunting and shopping for birthday decorations, give-aways and this, that and the other. We've done in many times before, but it was nice yesterday after ever so long - just Pats, Boots and me.

Boots was mighty helpful - and never forgot to mention to us that we were shopping for HER birthday, so she HAD to help with everything and was NOT to be shushed and moved to the side. So, she was literally in the middle of us at all times. Lol....theres was this instance where Pats and I were searching for something quite seriously and were checking all the possible hooks in the aisle of a mondo crowded shop. Boots, was helping.
Then suddenly, she looked up at us and said, " Can I be in the middle of you?" Pats and I couldn't help laughing, coz in the middle of all the commotion, heat and noise, our little one still felt that today - her world was the three of us and her gorgeous party.

We had a great breakfast first thing in the morning - hot wadas, a masala dosa and filter coffee.
If you're Indian - you know the feeling : )
If you're not, you totally need to experience it - make an Indian friend in a hurry, or call me when you're in town!

All in all - a lovely day. Pats, I heart you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

For Dude.

I remember the night we met. Oh, what a night.

It was a party, a friend of a friend. I got dragged there, so did you. The whole night passed and then suddenly, you asked me to dance. The rest as they say, is history.

Who was responsible?
Shorty, the guy whose house it was,whom we had never met before and who is a good friend now?
Was it your best man, Tatt Boy? Who forced you to come, telling you it wouldn't be so bad?
Nando? He called me relentlessly, till I finally agreed to stop by with a friend.
Vinx - the guy who actually introduced us, seconds before our first dance?

Whoever it was, all of you - thank you!!

'Coz that night, I met someone I chose to spend my life with. I met a guy with a heart of gold, who loves me and loves me and just when I think it's not possible, he'll love me some more.

Every so often, I look at you and feel a little giddy headed. What a precious man you are and how special must the Big guy upstairs think I am, to give you to me. I remember that night and am thankful that you chose to spend the rest of your life with me too.
(truth must be told, there are several other times when I look at you and want to throw everything but the kitchen sink at you - but let's leave that for a later post. = D )

My prayer for you is one that is close to my heart.
May you see, every day, how amazing you can be and may you never stop reaching for the stars. May your honesty, simplicity and good heartedness, always be the core of you, as they are now.
And may you always know, how very very much, this girl loves you.

Happy Birthday dude.
*hands over heart in a gift wrapped box*

Luv 'ya.