Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dream on, dreamer.

When she finally convinced me that I simply HAD to blog and how I couldn’t NOT blog and how it would help me in so many ways, I was far from consenting. In fact, my constant retort was, ‘What on earth am I going to write about??’

However, succumb to the pressure I did. And I love her for it.

I still don’t know what I’m going to write about. Or how I’m going make it interesting or fun or enjoyable…but I do know that my head is always swimming with thoughts and perhaps some of them merit a second take.

I don’t look at the world through rose colored glasses. Trust me there’s plenty going on that annoys me no end – almost to the point of joining the ever popular shoe flingers.
I don’t mix with the crème de la crème of society.
I don’t have these fascinating hobbies which might leave me with insightful stories; like para-gliding and horse riding and wine tasting and what have you.

But I do know some amazing people. They walk amongst you, they sit in the street cafés sipping their teas, they eat at the local Chili’s outlet, they play ball at the basketball courts near by, they groove to their i-pods, blissfully ignorant of passers-by.
Just your normal, everyday people, who make me smile, comfort me, encourage me, scold me, laugh with me and support me. My very own shiny, happy people; whom I have the honor of calling friends.

I’ve learnt a lot of stuff. In all my years, I don’t think any of lifes real lessons have been conscious ones. But learn them, I did. In fact, if you think about it – we all have.

People call me a dreamer, I’ve been called naïve, even lost in the clouds sometimes. But if you really get to know me, I’m right here and I’m happy. I love life, I love my family, I love my friends. I love my world. It’s the same for us all I guess…but I prefer the view from my corner. I’m not too possessive of it though, so feel free to grab a chair and sit with me for a while. Perhaps we’ll find we have something in common.

Oh and btw, pink is her favorite color. She created the blog page for me. *grin* Go figure.


  1. Awwwwwwwwww! I love, love, LOVE it! What a fab first post. Yaaaaay! Its finally happening!

  2. OOOHHH... how lovely!!! i like ... infact.. i love!! i like the pink!!! you should have had pink nail polish on as well... :-)

    i've grabbed my chair.. and am sitting down now... so tell me... I'm ready to dream... or be a part of all your dreams..

    Cant wait to read more!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Haha...Welcome to Blosphere. And yep..ur so rite.. This question haunts everyone almost constantly - "Wot do I write about?"
    Really...That's a toughie.
    But I don't mind throwing topics at u..if u wud like me to. U'll keep gettin challanges over challanges. Jus lemme know.

    ANand. :-)

  5. I'm overjoyed - my first comments!! I wanna thank my mooom and my daad and I wanna thank Gawd! *smile* Thank you Sheetal and Pats :)

    Anand - topics are welcome :) till later, keep singing - loved the post btw!

  6. Ur welcome. Loved ur award speech too. lol.

  7. Congratulations on your first post and you've got comments too.......thought I would leave one and this way be a part of your corner. I follow Pat's blog and saw your name on co-blogger's list and so checked out your blog. Would love to follow your blog.
    Looking forward to more posts from you.

  8. OH.. wow!! Sampoorna... So pleaesd to see you here.. Rose is my friend & co-blogger!! Thanks for following Rose's blog!!

  9. People seem to hv come by the dozens since u came. It seems the smell of Rose leaves it's frangrance in quite a powerful way. :-)

  10. Congratulations!!! Here we are too and we will follow u where ever u go!!! We love your corner and your topics, they are so close to our hearts. Shine on lil' one. Your Pama.

  11. This corner is getting crowded. I'll squat on the floor ... but I'm here too!

  12. I'm thrilled...and I promise to get afew bean bags for my favorite floor squatters :)

    I've been a bit slow on this blogging thing is what I've been told - so I promise to get a bit more active on it!
